Artist | Stuart Hawkins (*1969)

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Stuart Hawkins 0


Stuart Hawkins (*1969)

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Copyright Stuart Hawkins
Courtesy PRISKA C. JUSCHKA FINE ART, Brooklyn - NY
Sort No. 0
Modified 2002-04-19 14:49:10
Image file 5122.jpg



STUART HAWKINS - “Appearing In”
Photographs and Video Installation 2001 - 02
May 3 - June 17, 2002, Opening: Friday, May 3, 2002 6-9pm

PRISKA C. JUSCHKA FINE ART , 97 North 9th Street, (between Berry Street & Wythe Ave.), Brooklyn, NY 11211

Stuart Hawkins is a New York based artist who has lived and worked in Nepal for many years. Utilizing both photography and video her work explores contemporary life in a culture often presumed to be untouched by the modern world. For her most recent project “Appearing In,” her subjects address aspects of pop culture as they are invited to respond to the camera. What becomes exciting for both subject and viewer is not the portrayal of an unspoiled paradise as often seen in National Geographic but rather the visual dialogue that comprises consumer culture.

Functioning in a threefold manner Hawkins' portraits and videos bring a unique, new voice to contemporary art. First, they represent parts of the developing world frequently cherished as unspoiled reveling that here too people are just as interested in television, movies, and magazines. As her subjects take to the stage they use props, body language, music, and select English words to bring sex appeal and beauty to the image. While some choose to act out TV commercials, imitate an admired magazine photograph, or combine a film scene with a fantasy, others intentionally spoof on people such as Kate Moss, Tom Cruise, Puff Daddy, or Madonna. A visual tension is created throughout Hawkins' work as her subjects’ grace and awkwardness compel the viewer to question what is innate and what is learned when presenting oneself to the camera.

Secondly, as these unexpected yet familiar representations are presented to us in a context removed from our own new meaning is rendered not only as it pertains to contemporary Nepal but more importantly as we self-consciously recognize the image or ourselves. As we see aspects of our own culture through the eyes of another we are given a new vantage point from which to ask why and what it is that we admire and aspire to. Hawkins decision to present the work on a scale that is life size sets up a challenging dialogue between the subject and viewer making it difficult to avoid the unsettling sensation of looking into a mirror. This potentially uncomfortable exchange is the conceptual strength of the project: the place where we can see most if we are open to seeing ourselves.

Finally, Hawkins' portraits and videos acknowledge an universal intrigue with being filmed and photographed. Her work asks the viewer to consider how we have come to believe what is sexy, what is attractive, and what sells. What is it that makes us feel special when we present ourselves to the camera and what measures do we take to ensure that we will be recorded how we want to be seen, as someone that is successful and looks good.

Exhibition Announcement on Artist Page Exhibition Announcements 

Image Opening Closing City/Country Exhibition Place Exhibition Title
Jan 09, 2014 06:00 pm Feb 15, 2014 New York Zach Feuer Gallery Stuart Hawkins
Buy Art, Artwork for Sale, Kunst kaufen

Landscape, 2013, Oil on canvas, 72 x 54 inches / 182.9 x 137.2 cm


New York

Zach Feuer Gallery

Stuart Hawkins
Everyone Knows What It Looks Like
Opening Jan 09, 2014 at 06:00 pm
Start date Jan 10, 2014
End date Feb 15, 2014

In her most recent work, Stuart Hawkins renders scenes of a homogenized, global norm through her reinterpretation of traditional art historical genres. Highlighting consumerism as the common denominator, Hawkins underscores, by mode of comparison, critical aspects of the world we live in today. Landscape, for example, depicts a designer chair in the foreground that appears more organic than the sterile, mountain view and stylized bird in flight beyond. With these works, Hawkins continues to explore her interest in capturing the desires and perversities that drive a mono-culture world and at the same time, making evident their potential cost. The different subjects featured in these works not only engage directly with the title of the exhibition, Everyone Knows What It Looks Like, but tease out the implications of its many truths. Stuart Hawkins was born in 1969 in Norfolk, VA, received a MFA from The School of Visual Arts and currently lives and works in New York. She has exhibited at the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt; HIAP, Helsinki; Frye Art Museum, Seattle and The Visual Arts Gallery, New. This exhibition, Hawkins' fifth at the gallery, was realized with a 2012 Workspace Residency, made possible by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

Stuart Hawkins -

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Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 12 (S 7/ G 5) Did show together with - Top 5 of 37 artists
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Dan Asher (2)- 42
Reece Jones (1)- 4
Alex Gene Morrison (1)- 4
Hiroyuki Nakamura (1)- 1
Chris Jahncke (1)- 2
Exhibitions by type
12:   9 / 0 / 3 / 0
Venues by type
8:   5 / 0 / 3 / 0
Curators 0
artist-info records May 1999 - Feb 2014
Countries - Top 1 of 1
United States (6)
Cities 1 - Top of 1
New York (12)
Venues (no. of shows ) Top 5 of 8
Zach Feuer Gallery (4)
Priska C. Juschka Fine Art (2)
Capsule Gallery (1)
Rema Hort Mann Foundation Visual Art Grant (1)
Foundation for Contemporary Arts (1)
Curators (no. of shows) Top 0 of 0
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PermalinkExhibition TitleExhibition Title

Stuart Hawkins

 - Everyone Knows What It Looks Like
Zach Feuer Gallery S Jan 2014 - Feb 2014 New York (94) +0
Zach Feuer Gallery S Jan 2011 - Feb 2011 New York (94) +0
Zach Feuer Gallery S May 2008 - Jun 2008 New York (94) +0
Zach Feuer Gallery S Aug 2006 - Sep 2006 New York (94) +0
Capsule Gallery G Jun 2004 - Jul 2004 New York (8) +0
Foundation for Contemporary Arts S Jan 2004 - Dec 2004 New York (32) +0