Gallery | Zach Feuer Gallery

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Contemporary Art Exhibition, Exhibition View

Landscape, 2013, Oil on canvas, 72 x 54 inches / 182.9 x 137.2 cm

New York

Zach Feuer Gallery

Stuart Hawkins

Everyone Knows What It Looks Like
Opening Jan 09, 2014 at 06:00 pm
Start date Jan 10, 2014
End date Feb 15, 2014

In her most recent work, Stuart Hawkins renders scenes of a homogenized, global norm through her reinterpretation of traditional art historical genres. Highlighting consumerism as the common denominator, Hawkins underscores, by mode of comparison, critical aspects of the world we live in today. Landscape, for example, depicts a designer chair in the foreground that appears more organic than the sterile, mountain view and stylized bird in flight beyond. With these works, Hawkins continues to explore her interest in capturing the desires and perversities that drive a mono-culture world and at the same time, making evident their potential cost. The different subjects featured in these works not only engage directly with the title of the exhibition, Everyone Knows What It Looks Like, but tease out the implications of its many truths. Stuart Hawkins was born in 1969 in Norfolk, VA, received a MFA from The School of Visual Arts and currently lives and works in New York. She has exhibited at the Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt; HIAP, Helsinki; Frye Art Museum, Seattle and The Visual Arts Gallery, New. This exhibition, Hawkins' fifth at the gallery, was realized with a 2012 Workspace Residency, made possible by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

Stuart Hawkins -

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Exhibition Title

Stuart Hawkins
 - Everyone Knows What It Looks Like

Hawkins, Stuart (*1969) S Jan 2014 - Feb 2014   (12) +0